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The 7-day weight loss menu helps detoxify the body and promote rapid weight loss. Let's explore it with Eco Straws in this article.
An average person needs about 45-60 grams of protein, 25-40 grams of fiber, and 500 grams of vegetables daily to maintain bodily functions.
Total calories for this menu: approximately 1100 calories.
Total calories for this menu: approximately 750 calories.
Principles for Healthy Eating
Principle 1: Caloric intake must be less than caloric expenditure
The first principle for anyone looking to lose weight is to maintain a diet and exercise regimen where the calories consumed are less than the calories burned through exercise and daily activities. To adhere to this principle, it is necessary to control calorie intake and engage in appropriate physical exercises.
Principle 2: Eat smaller meals throughout the day
Eating smaller meals throughout the day helps prevent overloading the stomach at once, maintains a feeling of fullness longer, and avoids snacking between meals.
Principle 3: Low-carb, high-fiber, and high-protein diet
A reasonable diet includes a balanced and scientific distribution of nutrient groups. Excessive carbohydrate consumption can affect blood sugar, blood pressure, and various health conditions such as heart, kidney, and digestive diseases. Meanwhile, increasing the intake of fiber-rich vegetables and adequate protein helps maintain satiety and stabilize blood sugar levels.
7-Day Weight Loss Menu Suggestions
Day 1 Menu
- Breakfast: 1 bowl of granola cereal, 1 banana, and 180ml unsweetened milk
- Snack: 1 apple (about 150-200g)
- Lunch: Brown rice mixed with various nuts, chicken breast stir-fried with mushrooms, boiled broccoli
- Afternoon Snack: 100g strawberries
- Dinner: 150g boiled shrimp, mixed vegetable salad.
Day 2 Menu
- Breakfast: 1 fried egg, 2 slices of whole-grain bread, 100g green salad
- Snack: 1 glass of pomegranate juice
- Lunch: 100g boiled meat wrapped with fresh vegetables, 1 cup of unsweetened yogurt
- Afternoon Snack: ½ avocado (about 100g)
- Dinner: 80-100g sugar-free noodles with 100g salmon, boiled okra

Day 3 Menu
- Breakfast: 1 boiled sweet potato, 1 boiled egg, 1 cup of unsweetened milk
- Snack: 2 cucumbers
- Lunch: Fresh spring rolls with rainbow noodles and shrimp, mixed cabbage salad, 1 glass of orange juice
- Afternoon Snack: 100g grapefruit
- Dinner: 100g brown rice, boiled water spinach, chicken breast with teriyaki sauce
Day 4 Menu
- Breakfast: 1 boiled sweet potato, 1 egg, 1 cucumber
- Snack: 1 low-sugar yogurt drink
- Lunch: Brown rice with seaweed, cucumber, carrots, 80g mackerel in tomato sauce
- Afternoon Snack: Fruit salad
- Dinner: Sugar-free noodles mixed with chicken in honey sauce, sesame salad with cherry tomatoes

Day 5 Menu
- Breakfast: 1 cup of unsweetened yogurt, 100g granola
- Snack: 100g grapefruit
- Lunch: Mixed rice with various nuts, seared salmon, seaweed soup
- Afternoon Snack: 1 glass of pineapple celery juice
- Dinner: 50g seared salmon, mixed vegetable salad
Day 6 Menu
- Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 boiled sweet potato
- Snack 1: 80g blueberries
- Lunch: 80-100g corn noodles with tomato sauce, 1 cucumber
- Afternoon Snack: 1 glass of soy milk
- Dinner: 100g stir-fried beef with celery, sprout salad, 1 bowl of vegetable soup
Day 7 Menu
- Breakfast: 1 cup of honey ginger tea, 1 fried egg, 1 slice of whole-grain bread
- Snack 1: 1 cup of mango smoothie
- Lunch: 1 bowl of oatmeal porridge with lean meat and vegetables
- Afternoon Snack: 1 banana
- Dinner: ½ bowl of brown rice, steamed squid with green onions, boiled carrots, 1 rose apple
Other Considerations for Weight Loss
Assess Health Conditions
Various factors affect weight loss, such as age, gender, health conditions, and medical history. Therefore, when planning a diet, ensure it provides enough energy to prevent nutrient deficiencies and exhaustion. Remember that weight loss is a long process of eating and adjusting to help the body adapt.Exercise Regimen
A proper exercise regimen is crucial for weight loss. Aim for 4-5 workout sessions per week. Consistent exercise helps burn excess calories, boost metabolism, and enhance muscle endurance.Lifestyle and Rest
In addition to the 7-day weight loss menu, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and getting enough rest are essential. Proper rest and sufficient sleep are vital for maintaining stable health.
Eco Straws has shared a safe and effective 7-day weight loss menu. We hope this useful information will help you regain your slim figure. Alongside a healthy diet, always exercise regularly and maintain a positive mindset to stay healthy and beautiful every day.
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